The Spencer Family Tree on

In 2010 David Spencer (a descendant of Matthew) asked a friend and amateur genealogist Sandy Gibbney to help create a Spencer Family Tree on A year later Ian Spencer (a descendant of John) joined them rather than start his own tree.
The tree has grown continuously and over the years quite a few family members have joined as editors. As a result the tree now has 4289 people on it and is growing continuously. Perhaps more important than just the names and dates, there are 731 photographs, 673 stories and links to 9383 supporting records. If you are interested in the Spencer Family History its a great resource.
Much of the information which will appear in the Family Lines section of this website originated on the tree.
In recent months three of the people associated with the tree have participated in Ancestry DNA project. We have not found Thomas Spencer's elusive ancestors but we have a number of leads.
The Spencer Family Tree on is a public tree which means that anyone can see the information, records, etc if you have a subscription to Please note you can get a 14 day free trial subscription by visiting the Ancestry web site.
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